• 10+ years of experience

  • Personalized and practical processes

  • Supported over
    $100 million raised

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada
Canadian Museum of Nature
Bruce County Public Library
Sunshine Foundation of Canada Logo
Anova Logo

"Larissa is exceptionally knowledgeable about fundraising, but is also willing to listen and learn about the organizations she is working with to ensure that the knowledge she shares and strategies she creates will be applicable and relevant.

Her personalized approach makes the work she does incredibly effective and impactful. She is also very mindful of working with clients who tend to be overworked and stretched thin. She is flexible in her approach to her work to ensure her clients can best utilize her time and expertise. I can not recommend Growth & Co. enough and hope we will have more opportunities to work with them in the future."

- Andrew Fleet, Executive Director, Growing Chefs! Ontario

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Our Services

Fundraising Foundations Course

New fundraisers can gain a broad understanding of fundraising basics, the importance of a case for support, and what common fundraising strategies are and why they're important.

Fundraising Intelligence

Participants will build and enhance their fundraising operations and determine the most efficient and effective ways to raise money that are best for their specific organization in an easy-to-follow, comprehensive 12-week training and coaching program.

The program guides fundraisers through building systems and processes in a way that allows them to be easily managed and maintained, all while giving their team support and care from our certified fundraising executive (CFRE).

Custom Consulting

Looking for a ‘done for you’ option? Growth & Co. offers fundraising audits, plans, case for support creation, and custom training solutions to organizations that want the work completed by an outside expert. Get in touch to discuss your needs today!

Blog: Hiring a fundraiser for your nonprofit

Even if an Executive Director believes they could employ a suitable person, they are afraid of investing in someone who may quit in the future and put the organization’s fundraising efforts back to square one. Regardless of how a nonprofit leader views this challenge, there is a solution to raise more funds while building fundraising sustainability into your organization.
Two women sitting at a table having a discussion

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